kMatlab -- Matlab commands for Khepera ====================================== by Yves Piguet, 8/1998 Skye Legon, 2/1999 ============================================================================== Install (for Win95/98/NT, but similar for Mac) ---------------------------------------------- Extract all "kMatlab" files to a directory on your hard disk. Run Matlab. To use the commands, you can simply change the local directory to your kMatlab directory (e.g. » cd d:\path\to\kMatlab). To avoid performing this step every time you load Matlab (or to run the kMatlab commands from another directory) you can add the kMatlab directory to the Matlab path. From the Matlab menu, choose File, Set Path, and enter (or Browse for) your kMatlab directory. Choose "Add to Path". Make sure Khepera is connected to your computer and powered on. You are now ready to use the commands! ============================================================================== Usage ----- You must first OPEN the serial port using the KOPEN command, which is of the form: » port_reference = kopen([ com_port, baud_rate, timeout]) e.g. use first serial device (COM1), at 19200 baud, with 1 second timeout: » ref = kopen([0,19200,1]) or for COM2 at 38400 baud: » ref = kopen([1,38400,1]) If you receive the response: ??? Undefined function or variable 'kopen'. then you are not in the correct directory, or you have not set up your path correctly. Note that 0=COM1, 1=COM2! Also, do not forget to assign kopen's return value to some variable; it is required for all subsequent commands. We will use 'ref' as our return variable for the following examples. When you are done you must CLOSE the serial port: » kclose(ref) Sending commands ---------------- To send a command that returns a SINGLE line response: » return_value = kcmd( port_reference, 'khepera_command') To send a command that returns a MULTIPLE line response, you add a '1': » return_value = kcmd( port_reference, 'khepera_command', 1) Notes: The single-line command returns everything it receives from Khepera until it receives a newline character. The multi-line command, however, doesn't know how long your multi-line response it, and so it waits for 'timeout' seconds, and then returns everything in the buffer. The choice of timeout is therefore important. Too small, and multi-line responses will be truncated; too long, and the command will take a long time to return. One second (timeout = 1) is recommended, and corresponds to 48 lines of 80-column text at 38400 baud. The use of the return value is optional. Use the 'port_reference' that was returned by kopen. e.g. to return the system bios version (single-line): » kcmd(ref,'B') ans = b,5.01,5.00 e.g. to list currently running processes (multi-line): » kcmd(ref,'process',1) ans = Process N. 00000000 IDLE process for the micro-kernell, EF-98: Rev. 1.00 Process N. 00000001 Start-up process of the Khepera, EF-98: Rev. 5.00 ============================================================================== kMatlab Command Library ----------------------- Although kopen, kcmd, and kclose are all you need to fully control Khepera from Matlab, for convenience we have also provided a library of useful matlab commands. They are described briefly below, but for more information please read the .m files. For explanation of the actual Khepera commands sent by these Matlab routines, please consult Appendix A of the Khepera User Manual. These commands are provided as a starting point. You are encouraged to modify and/or create your own new functions to suit your application. The commands are not case sensitive. They are written in mixed-case for clarity, but for example kSetSpeedPID and ksetspeedpid are equivalent. If an error occurs, many of the functions will return -1 as an error code. The equivalents for all of the Khepera commands listed in Appendix A of the Khepera User Manual are listed at the end of this document. System Commands: ---------------- kopen([port, baud_rate, timeout]) - opens serial port, supports baud rates up to 115200 bps. kcmd(ref, text_string) - sends a command to Khepera for a SINGLE-LINE response kcmd(ref, text_string, 1) - sends a command to Khepera for a MULTI-LINE response kclose(ref) - closes the serial port kFlush(ref) - empties the buffer. This is useful if you issue a multi-line command but forget the '1' parameter. (see sample session below) A "command not found" message will be returned by Khepera--ignore this. Information Commands: --------------------- kBios(ref) - kBios(ref); displays the bios and protocol versions - [a,b] = kBios(ref); does not display, but assigns the values to a and b kList(ref) - lists available ROM modules kTeam(ref) - lists the K-Team Sensor Commands: ---------------- kAmbient(ref) - returns the ambient light sensor readings as an 8-element vector kProximity(ref) - returns the proximity sensor readings as an 8-element vector kProximityG(ref) - Graphical histogram display of proximity sensor readings kProximityG(ref, 'polar') - Graphical polar plot of proximity sensor readings Motor/Encoder Commands: ----------------------- kGetStatus(ref) - returns a 6-element vector describing motor controller status kStatus(ref) - displays text description of current motor controller status kGetEncoders(ref) - returns a 2-element vector of current encoder values kSetEncoders(ref, left, right) - sets the encoder positions. If left and right aren't specified, the positions are reset to zero. kSetPWM(ref, left, right) - sets the speed of the motors using pulse-width modulation values (-255..+255) == SPEED CONTROL: kGetSpeed(ref) - returns a 2-element vector of current speeds kSetSpeed(ref, left, right) - sets the motor speeds, regulated by PID control kStop(ref) - stop Khepera (set speed to zero) kSetSpeedPID(ref, Kp, Ki, Kd) - sets the PID coefficients of the speed controller. If no values are specified, they are reset to the defaults (3800, 800, 100) == POSITION CONTROL: kMoveTo(ref, left, right) - use the position controller to move to a position specified by encoder counts kSetPositionPID(ref, Kp, Ki, Kd) - sets the PID coefficients of the position controller. If no values are specified, they are reset to the defaults (3000, 20, 4000) kSetProfile(ref, velLeft, accLeft, velRight, accRight) - sets the velocity and acceleration profile of the position controller. If no values are specified, they are reset to the defaults (vel=20, acc=64) Miscellaneous Commands: ----------------------- kGetAnalog(ref, channel) - read an analog input channel via the 10-bit A/D converter kLED(ref, n, action) - set the two LEDs. 'n' and/or 'action' can be vectors, e.g. kLED(ref, [0 1], [2 0]) will toggle LED0, and turn off LED1. kReadByte(ref, address) - reads a byte from the extension bus kWriteByte(ref, address) - writes a byte to the extension bus kTurret(ref, turretID, textString) - sends a text string command to an extension turret kTurretBios(ref, turretID) - provided as an example of possible turret commands, this displays the bios version of the extension turret kBraitenberg(ref, gain) - demonstrates a Braitenberg vehicle. If no gain is specified, a default value of 0.7 is used. ============================================================================== kMatlab equivalents to Khepera commands (as listed in Appendix A of the User Manual) Khepera Command kMatlab equivalent ------------------------------------------------------------------------ A - Configure kSetSpeedPID B - Read software version kBios C - Set a position to be reached kMoveTo D - Set speed kSetSpeed E - Read speed kGetSpeed F - Configure the position PID controller kSetPositionPID G - Set position to the position counter kSetEncoders H - Read position kGetEncoders I - Read A/D input kGetAnalog J - Configure the speed profile controller kSetProfile K - Read the status of the motion controller kGetStatus L - Change LED state kLED N - Read proximity sensors kProximity O - Read ambient light sensors kAmbient P - Set PWM (pulse width modulation) kSetPWM T - Send a message to an extension turret kTurret R - Read a byte on the extension bus kReadByte W - Write a byte on the extension bus kWriteByte ============================================================================== Sample session (has been edited for clarity): --------------------------------------------- % open COM1 at 38400 baud, 1 second timeout » ref = kopen([0, 38400, 1]) » kBios(ref) Khepera BIOS version: 5.01 Khepera protocol version: 5.00 » kGetEncoders(ref) ans = 0 0 % move forward 100 encoder counts » kMoveTo(ref,100,100); » kGetEncoders(ref) ans = 100 100 » kStatus(ref) Left: (status = AT TARGET) (control = SPEED) (Error = 0) Right: (status = AT TARGET) (control = SPEED) (Error = 0) % try a multi-line command using the '1' parameter » kcmd(ref,'memory',1) ans = First free ROM address: 16'00012490, used 57% First free RAM 1 address: 16'001243F4, used 13% First free RAM 2 address: 16'001A0000, used 0% % but if we forget the '1', we only receive the first line of the buffer » kcmd(ref,'process') ans = First free ROM address: 16'00012490, used 57% % subsequent commands will receive incorrect responses stored in the buffer » kcmd(ref,'B') ans = First free RAM 1 address: 16'001243F4, used 13% % flushing the buffer will let us continue normally (ignore the % "Command not found" message) » kFlush(ref) Buffer contents: First free RAM 2 address: 16'001A0000, used 0% b,5.01,5.00 Command not found % we can now continue... » kcmd(ref,'B') ans = b,5.01,5.00 % when we finished, we can close the connection » kclose(ref)