Wifi with kernel 2.6 WPA-tkip algorithm support K-Team SA, J. Tharin version 1.0: 20090306 required hardware: KorebotLE with kernel 2.6 required softwares: - development toolchain 2.6: http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/toolchain-2.6-betaV0.1/ - wpa-tkip_kernel2.6.23.1-kb1.tar.bz2 Here enclosed you will find the modules to add to have the WPA/TKIP encryption, with the procedure as follows: 1) If you have the kernel version on your korebot (you can check with the command uname -a) you can use the file included; go to step 2). If your kernel is different you'll have to build the module: a) Follow the instructions for building the kernel: http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/toolchain-2.6-betaV0.1/common_files/kernel_build.txt b) When you run "make menuconfig", at the menu choose: "Networking --> Wireless --> IEEE 802.11i TKIP encryption" c) and activate as module d) then continue the instruction of a) "make -j3" e) after "make install", use the file copied in the dist directory (see below) for the next step 2) (e.g.) /home/jtharin/projects/kernel2.6/development/dist/lib/modules/ 2) copy the modules from the enclosed archive (for other kernel version, adapt path) ieee80211_crypt_tkip.ko to /lib/modules/ michael_mic.ko to /lib/modules/ 3) update the modules table: depmod -a Here after is an example of settings files: -----/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ----------- network={ ssid="korebot" key_mgmt=WPA-PSK group=TKIP pairwise=TKIP proto=WPA psk= *_removed_* priority=5 } ---------------------------------------------------- ---------/etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless --------- root@korebot:~$ more /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/wireless #!/bin/sh ifconfig wlan0 up ifconfig wlan0 route add default gw wlan0 wpa_supplicant -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf -i wlan0 -Dwext -B ----------------------------------------------------