Quick instructions for using driver for the KoreUSBCam module, version C200 and Korebot LE board K-Team S.A., 2010 v1.0 2010.11.16 Our new cameras are using the uvc driver (no more the gspca driver). ------ Korebot LE kernel version --------------- The Korebot kernel must be You can check the version with the command: uname -a You will have firstly to upgrade to Kernel if not already done: Instruction for installing the new kernel, filesystem and compiler are here: http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/toolchain-2.6-betaV0.1/light_toolchain/development_light_kernel2.6_readme.txt Pay just attention that it is no more possible to compile under Windows with this new toolchain! You will have to use Linux, or a virtual machine on (try Virtualbox from Sun Microsystem, which is free). ------ For installing the uvc camera driver: -------- You will have to install the following driver: http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/koreusbcam/driver/uvcvideo_205_KorebotLE_driver.ko For installing the above driver: - copy the file to /lib/modules/ in the KorebotLE - update the modules with : depmod -a The sources of the driver can be found at : http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/koreusbcam/driver/source/uvcvideo_205_KorebotLE_driver_source.tar.bz2 ------ Using the camera -------------------------- You can start using and programming as suggested in http://ftp.k-team.com/korebot/koreusbcam/KoreUSBCam_QuickUserManual_v1.0.pdf The driver implements the Video4Linux 2 (V4L2) API. Support for V4L1 is not planned by the Linux community. ---